Wednesday, November 01, 2006

More on Madonna's adoption...

This is about Madonna about adopting that kid. The fact that Madonna is adopted is still a media secret. So please don't go telling anyone. Anyway, it is about the adoption process she has found herself embroiled in. As she has not actually adopted the kid, yet she has still managed to get him out of Malawi and into the UK. As odd and suspicious it all has become.

Here is an extract from an article on NME.COM and it is hilarious...

...Madonna added that there were "many conditions" that made her "worry for his life"."One was the fact that, according to the reverend who ran the orphanage that David came from, his father never visited him," she told the BBC's Newsnight in an interview to be broadcast on November 1. "His father lived 50 or 60km away, had not car, had no money and, as far as I was told, had remarried and moved on with him life."...

It seems that no matter what, she'll get to keep the kid. So lets wish the best to the little man and hope that Madonna isn't the one to teach him how to speak English. Imagine the poor little boy coming up with such, incorrect, nonsense and with a bit of an american accent.

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