Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Heather Mills interview and situation.

First of all we have to make things clear. We are not here to judge her or ridicule her, simply to highlight a couple of things.

This divorce has been on the press for so long that it is even difficult to remember when one first got sick of it. For me is very easy to be impartial as I can't stand either her or Sir Paul. Whether if she is or isn't a gold digger, is not within my interests and frankly I couldn't give a shit.

The funny thing is that she is British, lives in the UK... is hated in the UK. So to clean up her image and save face she gives a TV interview... in the US. It doesn't make any sense, but that seems to have been her choice. But here comes the main point for this entry, one thing she said in the interview:

'...I would rather someone come up and chop all my limbs off, than go through what I went through...'

Sorry love, REMAINING LIMBS...

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