Greetings. For all those of you that are sick of the Weetabix week adverts please join me.
For those that don't know what Weetabix is... it is basically Chipboard biscuits. It is a cereal that tastes and looks just like chipboard.
Recently they have been advertising and promoting what they call the 'Weetabix Week'. This is trying to get people to eat Weetabix every morning for a week in as many permutations you can come up with.
What really gets on my tits is the fact that they have this pretend families, yet none of them disfunctional enough to be real. With cute little speccy kids with some sort of speech impediment. Such speech impediment is never attributed to the product grating through their tongue's and throats ripping their souls and vocal chords throughout consumption.
I personally hate Weetabix, in case you couldn't tell, but I have been instructed in what is the best way to eat it. Hot milk and sugar so it goes all mushy. Yet all the adverts have it with yogurt, fruit etc. In my eyes that is like telling you to eat a rock or a turd covered in custard, that'll make it alright...
If they were to show real families, why not (just for a laugh), show one of those fucked up families that are always at the supermarket when you do your groceries shopping. Don't pretend you haven't noticed them or cringed when they come near you. Sidetracking a little bit here... you shop there at the same time. Are you as disfunctional and grotesque as they are? Ask yourself that.
They should show the freak having them with pasta sauce, in a tofu stir fry, with salt and vinegar and so on...
There is as much point to this entry as there is to the adverts. They do not say like most other cereals that you will lose weight or anything other than you'll be eating Weetabix in various different and wacky ways.
Go on, be adventurous... I dare you.
They are not as bad as shredded wheat though. As Ben Elton once said years ago:
"You don't know whether to eat them or scrub your pans out with them!"
From mark godfrey!
mmm.....I like my Weetabix spread with crunchy peanut butter and no milk.....mmm
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