This show was surprisingly on ITV1 last night (03/10/06). The show was a 'one-of' one and a half hours short. The Outsiders.
Whoever wrote this is someone reaching for all the people who are sick of Da Vinci's code, Mission Impossible and the millions of action movies out there.
The whole thing goes for one and a half hours taking the piss out of every imaginable action sequence and cliches from the spy world. Amazingly they managed to tackle 99% of the cliches within the first half hour. They manage all this by simply mocking the Da Vinci's code and then the running scene of the Bourne supremacy.
The show is so rich in comedy and satirical values that I feel it will become an instant classic. Though the director didn't show the experience or courage of Robert Rodriguez, he still had a go at completely unrealistic 'stunts' and shit special effects.
The little touches are what made it so good. The 'HEAD' of the intelligence group looks like a shaved Sir Alan Sugar. If that is not good enough for you to laugh then wait for the scene where TWO NINJAS are waiting for him in his flat. The ninjas shouldn't be taken lightly as they were sent by the Vatican. Which we all know that apart from eradicating races during the crusades and the inquisition they strengthened themselves. During the Pope's tour of Asia they imprisoned the top ninjas after a struggle in a bar involving some Swiss guard squadies... Lets not stray from the main point...
The bullet points of the satirical genius of Andy Goddard the writer and director of the show:
- Vatican ninjas
- Scenes inside a castle... showing bare red brick walls.
- The fat lawyer asks Are you going to finish that in a restaurant.
- Sir Alan Sugar managed to take control of a whole town just to get this twat to do one more job.
- The reminder that No one quits.
- After a couple of punches on the face, the hero starts hallucinating his estranged daughter.
- And that all the sets seemed to have been improvised and filmed inside a council flat.
In brief it is the funniest show I have seen in a while. The only thing that was lacking were the 'BOING' special effects, but then, that might have been pushing it. The beeb should be worried as they think about Little Miss Jocelyn and I'm with stupid compared to this show. It is so good that it can't be real. All I need is for someone to try and rubbish it by telling me it was a serious action/adventure drama.
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